Série en Streaming

Ancient Earth: Dinosaurs of the Frozen Continent en streaming

Voir Ancient Earth: Dinosaurs of the Frozen Continent en version VF HD

Deep under Antarctica’s blanket of ice lies traces of a lost world of Dinosaurs and pre-historic creatures. Great forests once covered the now frozen Antarctic continent; gargantuan titanosaurs roamed its valleys, and proto-mammals darted through the undergrowth. It was also home to the largest carnivore of its day, the Cryolophosaurus – Antarctica’s T-Rex.


Bande annonce / trailer de la série Ancient Earth: Dinosaurs of the Frozen Continent en full HD VF


Date de sortie : 2022

Type de série : Documentaire

Nombre de saisons : 1

Titre original : Ancient Earth: Dinosaurs of the Frozen Continent

Voir Ancient Earth: Dinosaurs of the Frozen Continent en version VF HD Documentaire

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