Film en Streaming

Fever Pitch en streaming

Voir Fever Pitch en version VF HD

A romantic comedy about a man, a woman and a football team. Based on Nick Hornby’s best selling autobiographical novel, Fever Pitch. English teacher Paul Ashworth believes his long standing obsession with Arsenal serves him well. But then he meets Sarah. Their relationship develops in tandem with Arsenal’s roller coaster fortunes in the football league, both leading to a nail biting climax.


Bande annonce / trailer du film Fever Pitch en full HD VF

Life Gets Complicated When You Love One Woman And Worship Eleven Men

Durée du film VF : 1h42m

Date de sortie : 04/04/1997

Type de film : Comédie,Romance

Titre original : Fever Pitch

Voir Fever Pitch en version VF HD Comédie Romance

Distribution de Fever Pitch

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