Série en Streaming

Waybuloo en streaming

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Waybuloo is a pre-school British and Canadian children’s television series originally created by Dan Good and Absolutely Cuckoo. It was commissioned by Michael Carrington at the BBC, and first aired on CBeebies in May 2009. The 100-episode show was Head-Written by Marc Seal, filmed by the Foundation in Glasgow and animated and directed by Gallus Entertainment for Decode Entertainment. Post production, including audio, sound design & editing is done by Platform Post Production. in Toronto. Line produced by Matt Porter and the series producer is Simon Spencer, part of the independent company, RDF Media’s subsidiary The Foundation. The program makers describe it as « …a philosophy for a happy life, and is like nothing children will have ever seen before ». Waybuloo is set in the land of Nara. The main characters are the four Piplings, 3D CGI animated creatures with large heads and eyes, placed on a filmed background, with the second half of each twenty-minute show featuring human children. The Piplings practise yogo, a gentle form of exercise similar to yoga. so that the viewers and their parents can participate. It was the second show by DHX Media to use live-action with the CGI animation. The program makers describe it as « …a philosophy for a happy life, and is like nothing adults will have ever seen before ». In 2012 a new shorter version of Waybuloo was released with narration to much criticism. The negative feedback was so strong, CBeebies decided to pull the show in favor of the original version on the very next night.


Bande annonce / trailer de la série Waybuloo en full HD VF


Date de sortie : 2009

Type de série : Animation

Nombre de saisons :

Titre original : Waybuloo

Voir Waybuloo en version VF HD Animation

Distribution de Waybuloo

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