Série en Streaming

The Morph Files en streaming

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Morph and his pals are clay characters, infinitely mutable. First Morph and a pal play hide and seek, and it’s tough to find Morph. Morph is also computer literate, adept at video games that feature his friends in sorry situations. While he and Chas are clowning around, they wake a colicky baby, and they must go to great and creative lengths to get the child back to sleep. By the time the babe is sleeping, Morph is ready for a nap, but his noisy pal keeps him awake. Can this man with feet (and head) of clay find a way to get his rest?


Bande annonce / trailer de la série The Morph Files en full HD VF


Date de sortie : 1995

Type de série : Animation

Nombre de saisons : 1

Titre original : The Morph Files

Voir The Morph Files en version VF HD Animation

Distribution de The Morph Files

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