Série en Streaming

The Legend of Prince Valiant en streaming

Voir The Legend of Prince Valiant en version VF HD

The Legend of Prince Valiant is an American animated television series based on the Prince Valiant comic strip created by Hal Foster. Set in the time of King Arthur, it’s a family-oriented adventure show about an exiled prince who goes on a quest to become one of the Knights of the Round Table. He begins his quest after having a dream about Camelot and its idealistic New Order. This television series originally aired on The Family Channel from 1991 to 1994 for a total run of 65 episodes.


Bande annonce / trailer de la série The Legend of Prince Valiant en full HD VF


Date de sortie : 1991

Type de série : Animation, Science-Fiction & Fantastique, Action & Adventure

Nombre de saisons : 2

Titre original : The Legend of Prince Valiant

Voir The Legend of Prince Valiant en version VF HD Animation Action & Adventure

Distribution de The Legend of Prince Valiant

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