Série en Streaming

Switch Girl!! en streaming

Voir Switch Girl!! en version VF HD

Based on a manga with the same name created by Aida Natsumi, ‘Switch Girl!!’ revolves around a high school student named Nika who appears to be a stylish and fashionable girl at school, but that’s really a fake persona that she uses when she’s in public. At home, she “switches off” the facade and her returns to her true slovenly nature. Kiriyama Renn plays the good-looking transfer student Arata, who is Nika’s love interest in the story.


Bande annonce / trailer de la série Switch Girl!! en full HD VF


Date de sortie : 2011

Type de série : Comédie

Nombre de saisons : 2

Titre original : Switch Girl!!

Voir Switch Girl!! en version VF HD Comédie

Distribution de Switch Girl!!

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