Série en Streaming

Stone Protectors en streaming

Voir Stone Protectors en version VF HD

Stone Protectors was a multi-media entertainment property consisting primarily of an action figure line and animated series. The series also had a video game on the Super Nintendo. It served as a late attempt to market the troll doll craze of the early 1990s to young boys. While not particularly successful, nor inspired by a prior medium, Stone Protectors generally followed in the same vein as contemporaries like Toxic Crusaders, Swamp Thing, and the highly popular Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.


Bande annonce / trailer de la série Stone Protectors en full HD VF


Date de sortie : 1993

Type de série : Animation

Nombre de saisons : 1

Titre original : Stone Protectors

Voir Stone Protectors en version VF HD Animation

Distribution de Stone Protectors

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