Série en Streaming

Kickin’ It en streaming

Voir Kickin’ It en version VF HD

Run by Sensei Rudy, the Bobby Wasabi Martial Arts Academy is the worst dojo in the nationwide Bobby Wasabi chain and is in danger of closing. But things change when Jack reluctantly joins the dojo and meets his new crew, including tough guy slacker Jerry and confident martial arts expert Kim. The crew teaches a group of neighborhood goofballs about life, karate, and how to « kick it. » Jack and the gang quickly realize their newfound friendship will take them places they’ve never imagined and, united, they can become unstoppable.


Bande annonce / trailer de la série Kickin’ It en full HD VF

Date de sortie : 2011

Type de série : Familial, Action & Adventure, Comédie

Nombre de saisons : 4

Titre original : Kickin’ It

Voir Kickin’ It en version VF HD Familial Action & Adventure Comédie

Distribution de Kickin’ It

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