Série en Streaming

Devil’s Wish en streaming

Voir Devil’s Wish en version VF HD

(Marwan Salem) is a very successful plastic surgeon, but he is not in agreement with those close to him. His mother, wife, and friends are planning to withhold important legal contracts that Marwan is trying to reach with all his might. He is exposed to a car accident, which causes him to lose his memory, while his mother and his wife and friends try to exploit the situation in their favor, and they mislead Marwan and tell him lies.


Bande annonce / trailer de la série Devil’s Wish en full HD VF


Date de sortie : 2017

Type de série : Drame

Nombre de saisons : 1

Titre original : Devil’s Wish

Voir Devil’s Wish en version VF HD Drame

Distribution de Devil’s Wish

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