Film en Streaming

Mr. Dress-Up: The Magic of Make Believe en streaming

Voir Mr. Dress-Up: The Magic of Make Believe en version VF HD

Kindness, creativity, inclusivity, and a touch of magic makes the world a brighter place. Explore the story and impact of Canadian entertainer Ernie Coombs and his iconic series, Mr. Dressup, which enriched the lives of five generations.


Bande annonce / trailer du film Mr. Dress-Up: The Magic of Make Believe en full HD VF

Durée du film VF : 1h31m

Date de sortie : 08/09/2023

Type de film : Documentaire

Titre original : Mr. Dress-Up: The Magic of Make Believe

Voir Mr. Dress-Up: The Magic of Make Believe en version VF HD Documentaire

Distribution de Mr. Dress-Up: The Magic of Make Believe

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