Film en Streaming

H4Z4RD en streaming

Voir H4Z4RD en version VF HD

Noah loves his girlfriend Lea and their daughter Zita dearly, just about as much as his extremely pimped car with vanity plate “H4Z4RD”. When his cousin offers him a seemingly simple job as a driver, it soon turns into an unlikely and nerve-racking race through Antwerp, which can only result in the end of Noah, his family or the car…


Bande annonce / trailer du film H4Z4RD en full HD VF

Need for Speed

Durée du film VF : 1h27m

Date de sortie : 20/07/2022

Type de film : Action,Comédie

Titre original : H4Z4RD

Voir H4Z4RD en version VF HD Action Comédie

Distribution de H4Z4RD

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